Actor Ravi Teja, director-producer YVS Chowdhary and director Gunasekhar were roommates during their struggling days in then Madras city. Decades later, they, each of them well established in their respective careers, have teamed up for Nippu which is ready for release. While Ravi Teja stars in the movie, Gunasekhar directs it and YVS Chwodhary restricts to the job of producer. YVS talks about the movie
Nippu was supposed to release on Sankranthi. Why the movie has been postponed thrice?
It is true that we wanted to come on Sankranthi festival but we could not complete the movie by then, so we shifted to Feb 2nd. Then producer of Jai Telangana approached Film Chamber of Commerce and requested to allot more theatres for their film that is releasing on Feb 4th. We didn't want them to suffer because of our movie for the lack of theaters, so we voluntarily postponed to Feb 17th. And there won't be any change in the release date. This is final.
Don't you think releasing a movie at the end of February bad idea, as people hardly come to theaters from the month of March due to exams, etc?
Shivarathri has been one of the great periods for Telugu film industry. Look at some of the biggest hits like ANR's Premabhishekam and Venkatesh's many blockbusters and movies from Supergoodmovies banner - all were released at the time of Sankranthi. Even the recent blockbuster Ye Maaya Chesavewas released on Feb 26 in 2010.
People expect entertaining movie from Ravi Teja than action but the title Nippu suggests it an intense action movie!
No, it is not action drama. Nippu is an out and out entertainer. In most of the movies Ravi Teja's character is like a carefree guy, we now thrust on him a responsibility too. So you find Ravi Teja brand of entertainment, Gunasekhar style of high technical values and interesting narration, and my kind of good music and glamour. One of the major highlights is Ravi Teja and Brahmanandam's comedy. Focus is more on entertainment.
The other highlights are characterization of Ravi Teja. He plays the role of Surya, a carefree guy who is on a mission. Deeksha Seth would get big break with this film as solo heroine. Rajendra Prasad has portrayed a role that represents his dignified image.
Director Gunasekhar is known for making lavish movies that often exceed budget limits and taking plenty of time finishing a movie. How did you make him finish very fast and making a movie without huge sets.
The perception that Gunaskehar extends the production schedule beyond limit is totally wrong. Regarding Nippu, the subject doesn't require to erect huge sets, though Gunasekhar is popular for making movies with large sets like Charminar set ( Okkadu) and Madhura Meenakshi Temple set (Arjun). But that doesn't mean, Nippu doesn't have high production values. Indeed Guna made the movie with good technical values and the movie would be eye-feast too.
As a director how do you rate the work of Gunashekar's Nippu?
I give more than 85 marks to Gunasekhar's work. It is one of his best works.
Is it true that Bhavana did a role in this movie?
Both Bhavana and Sriram have special appearances.
Are you happy with Taman's music?
100 percent. I feel proud that I have great sense of music since I had this great opportunity to work with legendary music directors like K V Mahadevan, Chakravarthy and Ilayaraja when I was assisting my guru K Raghavendra Rao. Later when I became a director I worked with M M Keeravani (my all time favourite music director), Sandeep Chowta, Manisharma, Ramana Gogula and Chakri. Though I am not director of this film, I am happy that Taman has given us good music for our banner that is known for giving musical hits. Today, all Fm channels are constantly playing our songs.
Will you be producing movies with other directors in future too?
Yes. I met with Krishnavamsi, Puri Jagannadh, and other directors who are close to me and they agreed to do movies for my banner.
When is your Rey releasing?
Mostly by this June, Rey would release.
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