Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan could not attend the audio launch of Shankar's dubbed movie,Snehitudu. Although Aamir Khan agreed to come down to Hyderabad when director Shankar and producers invited him to grace the audio launch ceremony, he could not make it to the function. Ram Charan Tej was the chief guest at the ceremony that was held on Thursday night at Shilpa Kala Vedhika in Hyderabad.
Snehitudu is dubbed version of Tamil film, Nanban , which is remake of Aamir Khan starrer 3 Idiots. The film has Tamil actors - Vijay, Srikanth and Jiva in the lead roles with Ileana as heroine. Music is by Haaris Jayaraj.
Bollywood producer Vidhu Vindo Chopra, Rajkumar Hirani, Resul Pookutty, and Sharman Joshi attended the function. Along with Shankar, the film's hero Vijay, Srikanth, Ileana, Sayta Raj and music director Haaris Jayaraj also graced the ceremony.