Megastar Chiranjeevi turned 66 years old on August 22. His family members organised a birthday party at home which was attended by his brothers Pawan Kalyan, Naga Babu and others. While Allu Aravind and his wife attended the birthday bash, Allu Arjun gave it a miss due to his work commitments. Chiranjeevi also met his industry friends and fans on his birthday.
Megastar Chiranjeevi celebrated his 66th birthday on August 22. It was a memorable day for him as he spent quality time with his family members, friends from the film industry and his beloved fans. Chiranjeevi cut his birthday cake with his mom Anjana Devi by his side.
The birthday party saw Ram Charan and his wife Upasana, Pawan Kalyan, Naga Babu and his family, Allu Aravind and his wife, his daughters Sreeja and Sushmita. Ram Charan took to Instagram to share a family photo from the birthday celebrations.
Chiranjeevi has wrapped up the shooting of Koratala Siva's Acharya. He has three more films in the pipeline.
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