As we reported earlier, some of the Ram Charan's fans are following a different strategy for making their hero's 'rachcha' movie, a grand success. Earlier, they wished 'rachcha' should get mixed pre release reports and they got success in achieving that task. Now, they are strongly hoping that the movie should get mixed talk or poor talk in censor reports. Why are those fans thinking strangely about the talks of their hero's movie? When we contacted some of the fans about this view, they came out with their opinions. As per them, Ram Charan's previous movie, 'Orange' got positive buzz everywhere before its release. Even songs also created such an impact that the movie would be a musical blockbuster. Subsequently, lot of expectations were generated on the movie. Unfortunately, all the fans were said to have shocked after watching the movie on its first day. The movie went on with a very slow narration and finally it bit the dust at the box office. "Under any circumstances, 'rachcha' should not get positive buzz before its release. If we go with less expectations to watch the movie, we might wonder with the performance of Ram Charan in the movie and definitely the movie will be registered as a blockbuster at the box office." says one of the Mega fans. |
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Rachcha Fans Hoping Mixed C Reports
movie news
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