The first look teasers of ‘rachcha’ and the punching mass dialogues mixed with Hindi and Telugu flavors have sent Mega Fans go on a drool. Especially, these dialogues reminded many of ‘Shankar Dada MBBS’ or ‘Gharana Mogudu’ flavors essentially. Thanks that both these flicks or in general majority of mass, catchy dialogues mouthed by Chiranjeevi are flowed from the pen of Paruchuri Brothers.
Now, director Sampat Nandi who is also popular in film circles for his pen power (as seen in ‘Yemaindi Ee Vela’) working as director for ‘rachcha,’ the big plus for Mega Fans would be a guaranteed double treat. Yes, without any slightest form of doubts…inner sources are confident of ‘rachcha’ becoming a feast for Mega Fans. Let us see, how young Sampat and experienced duo of Paruchuri Bros. make ‘rachcha’ do ‘rachcha rachcha’ at BO.
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