Hero Nani's new movie is titled Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu. The movie directed by Gautam Menon is a trilingual in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam languages where Nani and Samantha are playing lead roles in the Telugu version. The title of the movie is named after a famous song from Nagarjuna starrer Ninne Pelladutha. Currently, the shooting of the film is progressing in Ramoji Film City at brisk pace. Yeto Vellipoyindi Mansu is expected to hit the screens in summer. Maestro Ilayaraja is scoring the music. Gautam Menon's last movie Ye Maya Chesave is a runaway hit in Telugu and let's hope this film too stands out as a winner at box-office. |
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Nani New Movie Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu
movie news
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Impart you real more for intercourse yeto vellipoyindi manasu information, i was inactivity eagerly for it. samantha goes to school in "yeto vellipoyindi manasu"