Vikram K. Kumar is the director. At an impressive function at Film Nagar, Hyderabad, Pawan Kalyan released the album and presented the first number to director Karunakaran, who in turn released publicity posters and trailers of the movie.
Dil Raju, Ganesh, Srikar Prasad, Sireesh, Vasu, Anup Rubens, P.C.Sriram and others took part in the event.
Pawan Kalyan said: "I normally don't attend other movie functions but this is an exception because I like Nitin very much. Also P.C.Sriram is my favourite cameraman and I admire him as a person."
Dil Raju said: "Nitin is a great fan of Pawan Kalyan. Nitin's father (Sudhakar Reddy) and myself distributed Pawan Kalyan's film Tholi Prema in Nizam area. Nitin turned a hero after watching that film. I could give Dil film to Nitin. I wish Ishq will get him back into form."
Nitin said: "After completing Inter, I thought of going to the US with a B.Tech. That time Tholi Premawas released. I watched the film innumerable times. As I started repeating each and every dialogue in the film, my parents used to chide me. Later, Karunakaran encouraged me a lot, saying that he would do a film with me. I am thankful to Pawan Kalyan and Karunakaran who changed my life. We are getting superb response to the 'Lachhamma' song."
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