Synopsis: Surya is aimless young lad who comes to Mumbai to become a mafia don. He falls for the local police commisioner (Nasser)'s daughter Chitra (Kajal) at first sight. There he runs in to shiyaji Shinde and Prakash Raj. Then the movie takes interesting turns and the rest of the story is all about whether Surya becomes Surya bhai or not.
How they performed?:
Mahesh Babu : Mahesh Babu suited very well to the role of Surya and he performed it with much ease.He had come up with some fantastic performance yet again after Dookudu, his comedy timing and dialogue modulation is improving a lot film after film.If any body could do perfect justice to Puri Jagannath's hero characterization, it is undoubtedly Mahesh Babu.
Kajal Agarwal : Kajal is entirely used for the skin show in the movie especially in Sir Ostharosthara. She had delivered a matured performance in Mr.Perfect but in this movie her acting skills are par below average.
Shiyaji Shinde as politician and Prakash Raj as goon are good in their usual tailor made characters. Shwetha Bhardwaj is a good replacement to Mumaith khan in Bad boyz song.
All the songs are already chart busters and are well picturized. Thaman's Back ground music is too good.
Cinematography: Excellent
Story-Screenplay and direction :
As every Puri Jagan movie, The story of this movie is also not great but is interesting due to the excellent hero characterization, dialogues. Puri rectified many of his mistake from his earlier movies
Final Word:
Business Man is a pakka Puri Jagannath movie.As always it is beyond telling the story and reviewing the movie. The movie has to be watched and enjoyed. Surya Bhai is shown as the representation of present day awara youth and masses will go frenzy with him. A little more clarity in the second would be more admirable. Watch it!
Rating: 3.25/5
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